Alberta Culture Days
Grades 1-5 Celebrate Cultures of the World
Schools across Alberta were invited to recognize the many cultures of the world through art, drama, or music. In response to this invitation our students participated in a school-wide art project.
To begin with a background of styro-foam was assembled. (Note to Self: Do not assemble a large background in the classroom--Finished styro-foam background -8 X 8 ft. Classroom doorway-
not 8 ft.)
Next an image of a globe was painted on paper. The paper was then attached to the background. Art classes painted a variety of cultural masks in shades and tints of either green or blue. Finally the masks were attached to mimic the continents and oceans of the world. Alberta Culture Days are officially celebrated on Sept. 28-30. Look for events in your surrounding communities and enjoy the varied cultures of our world!
Thanks for your participation students!
Mrs. Garber